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Lorraine Marks-Field founder of the world renowned New Jersey Intergenerational Orchestra and the Florida Intergenerational Orchestra of America, was featured in American Profile Magazine as a "Hometown Hero". The NJIO was also the subject of a book, "Grand Partners", by Dr. Linda Winston, a Social Anthropologist. The orchestra was given a spread in Family Circle Magazine for the October 1999 issue. Lorraine has made public service announcements for "Intergenerational" programs for UPN Channel 9 News and radio station WQXR NYC for their Millennium celebration. She was featured on national television with the orchestra on the CBS Morning show, "Windows On America", and NBC "Four Stories" and recently had an article in the April 2206 issue of Boca Magazine as well as the AARP Bulletin. She was also featured on the CBS Weekend News. The orchestra was filmed at Lincoln Center for "Sunday This Morning" with Charles Osgood.
Lorraine Marks-Field has also performed for organizations such as the United Nations for their "Global Forum on Ageing " in Madrid, Spain, and addressed the World conference on the topic of "Healthy Aging Through Music". In 2003 she addressed the United Nations and conducted the orchestra for the International Day of Older Persons.
She has performed for the Japan Global Forum for their Beijing +5 Conference, "Generations United National Conference" on the Capitol Steps in Washington D.C., Lincoln Center Plaza Fountain Concert Series, NJ Non-profit Homes for the Aged Conference, American Heart Association, the Special Wishes Foundation, and the Kessler Institute For Rehabilitation.
On December 8th, 2011, the Orchestra was honored for its “Intergenerational Concept” by the State of Florida Department of Elder Affairs, the Commissioners of Palm Beach County and the City of Boca Raton.
Bridging the Generations
Winter 2019
Boca Tribune Article 12/4/23 - Happily Different
Holiday Concert
ACMP Article 5/14/24
Connecting the Generations Through Music
Orchestra Members at Concert in December 2024